For the Lenten Season of 2019, I worked with the leadership team at City Chapel to develop a weekly devotional to share with their congregation.

In the season of COVID-19, the practice of loving your neighbor is more important than ever, but also needs to looks a little different for everyone’s safety. City Chapel worked with local nurses, first responders, and front line workers to create A Quick Guide To Loving Your Neighbor

With the brokenness of the world in 2020, City Chapel launched a podcast series on lamenting the ways the church has not been what it should be.

While navigating church in the time of COVID-19, City Chapel wanted to send a community reading guide home to their church members. They would be learning from the Book of Hebrews, but wanted to bring greater context to each chapter they read. The leadership team developed a weekly reading schedule and we decided a post-card would be an effective method of delivery so that members could easily keep it on their fridge or desk to see each day.

City Chapel spent most of the next few months separated as a community. As they continue to navigate and learn what it means to be a church that gathers while physically distanced, they decided to offer Advent tote bags! Each tote included an Advent devotional coloring book, a scripture reading plan to put on the fridge or Christmas tree, and various art supplies to use at home while the continued to gather online during the Advent season.